Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sad Night

Tonight was a sad night we just got home from mutual and pulled out from the car and saw my kitty flip laying on the ground under the bench. We thought he was just sleeping but he didn't get up when we got out of the car!!! He was dead!!! :( :( :( :(

I was very sad because he was my kitty ever since they were born and i was his favorite too!!!

I was not as sad as Moon Hee was though. she cryed for like 20 Minuets straight!!! I didn't cry but i was really sad!!!

We buried him under the tree in our yard it was really sad!!!


Hannah said...

Awwww! How sad! =[

Jacqueline Marie said...

I'm sorry Mitch =( It's ok to show your true feelings, you can cry, i wont judge you. haha jk!

Jacqueline Marie said...

you can have one of our kitty's!!

Jacqueline Marie said...

MITCH!!!!!!!!! CURE MY SICKNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Madison said...

ya like jacquline said we have 6 you can choose from but im sorry one time i had a kittin for 3 days and i woke up one morning and it was dead it was a sad sad time and i cried alot